It took only seventy-five years for India to took over UK and became the fifth largest economy and only behind US, China, Japan, and Germany. A very proud moment for Indians. Britishers looted India for almost 200 years and the estimated value is 45 Trillion Dollars, but is this the only treasure they took from us?? NO! Let us further discuss their major plunder for over two centuries in India.


1. Trade in Ancient India ? 

2. Education System in Ancient India 

3. Annihilation of Indian Culture 

    i)   Destruction Of Gurukuls
    ii)  Destruction of Handloom Weavers
    iii) Starvation and Famines
    iv) WWI 

4. Conclusion

Trade in Ancient India

Till the beginning of the 17th century, almost every nation obtained its supplies of the most fine quality of cotton and silk fabric textiles, Spices, Indigo, Sugar, Drugs, Precious stones, and many excellence work of art forms in exchange of Gold and silver.

Trade route of Ancient India

Indian goods were known for its excellence. The skilled artisans of India manufactured varieties of goods which people in other parts of the world could not find elsewhere.
In Industrial manufacturing India was far far ahead in comparison with other countries of those times and used to contribute 30% of world's GDP, which came strait to 3% in 1947. 

Education System In Ancient India

When there was not a thing existed such as Christianity in Westerns, India already had its top Universities such as Takshashila University, Nalanda University and Vallabhi Universities where teachings of SANATAN DHARMA, Vedics, Science, Mathematics, Agriculture, Trade, Ardhashastra, Quantum Physics, , and many more subject matter were given by Top Gurus.

World's First University - Takshashila (5th century)

The primary objective of these gurukuls and universities was imparting the learnings to the students with a natural surroundings, and to develop discipline and to build their character along with self learning and Not only this, but the focus was also given on arts, sports, crafts, singing that developed their intelligence and critical thinking.

 Activities such as yoga, meditation, mantra chanting etc., generated positivity and peace of mind and made them fit. It was also mandatory to do daily chores on own with a motive to impart practical skills in them, which helped an individual develop in not only intellectually, but also spiritually and emotionally.

After having an outstanding education system and having a very high surplus in Balance of Payment.  However no wonder why it was known also as "SONE KI CHIDIYA" at that time. 

Annihilation of Indian Culture

Violence and racism were the reality of the colonial experience. 


Gurukuls were the roots of an individual, English men very strategically destroyed the Gurukuls in India. 
- They first of all declared all the Gurukuls as Illegal.
- They know, they can never conquer India until and unless Indians are connected with their DHARMA, Gurukuls were only responsible for upbringing of an Individual.
- They introduced English medium schools, which primary objective was to produce skilled labor for British East India Company.
-And this was their BrahmaAstra to built the labor ideology in Indians.


The rise of Britain for 200 years was financed by India, its Industrial revolution was premised upon the deindustrialization of India.

Industrialization in Britain 

 Handloom weavers for examples whose product's were imported around the world with the 'light as air' quality, British imposed heavy tariffs and duties on them and the handloom artisans became beggars, the large exports came down to Nil. By the end of the 19th centaury, India became the biggest cashflow of Britain, biggest importer of British goods and the source of the highly paid employment of British civil servants.


 We literally paid for our own oppression, between around 29 Million Indians died of starvation, British induced famine.

Bengal Famines 1943

Bengal Famines 1943

 The most famous example of course is Bengal Famines in 1943 during the WWII when 4 Million people died because Winston Churchill deliberately as matter of Written Militant Policy proceeded to divert essential supplies to civilians in Bengal to sturdy Europeans as reserve stock piles.


One sixth of all British forces who fought in the world war 1, were Indians.
54000 lost their lives
65000 were wounded
4000 missing 
The total monetary value of everything that has been taken out of India that was suffering from poverty, and hunger at that time, was 8 Billion Euros.



The above mentioned were some of the holocaust that took place under the Crown rule. Monetary value maybe reimbursed but, millions and billions lost their loved ones or died in a war, have experienced extreme cruelty and maltreatment, have been separated from their inherited lands. Nobody can visualize the kind of terror people experienced at that time, this can never be reimbursed. Queen of Great Britain - Elizabeth II  has been majorly responsible for these Millions and Millions of death of Indians, and above mentioned Holocaust.